European Youth Championship Imst (27-28/7/13)

The European Youth Championships were held in Imst this year. When we arrived in Imst it was really hot. In the evening during the opening ceromony the rain started pouring down, so all climbers had to take shelter in the big tent. 🙂

The next day we started early and in the morning it was still cool. The first qualification route had a crux in the beginning. I almost fell at this point, but I could luckily continue. When I arrived in the last part of the route I hesitated. Some girls before me had fallen here by taking an intermediate hold, so I thought that the hold had to be bad. I decided to skip the intermediate hold and make a plus to the next one, which of course was the wrong decision.

The beginning of the 2nd route was vertical and then the route became very hard. I was really happy that I managed to top out!

The second qualification route (Photo: Yves Guérit)

3 of my team mates were in the finals as well: Nicolas Collin (male youth B), Celine Cuypers (female youth B) and Loïc Timmermans (male Juniors).

On Sunday all the girls had the same final route. It looked nice, but also logical for which I was happy. The first part was harder than I had expected. In the roof there was a hard move and it was difficult to clip. I became more and more tired and did some more moves. I fell totally pumped and was really satisfied.

The girls final route

Jessica Pilz from Austria climbed amazing and topped the route! Congratulations Jessi :-)! She was 1st, I became 2nd and Hannah Schubert (AUT) 3rd.

Female Youth A podium 🙂

Nicolas became 5th, Celine was 10th and Loïc 4th. He fell at the same place as Jefta from Israël who won bronze because of the countback.

After the competition my parents and I stayed a little longer to try some of the routes. Then we finally drove home after 3 weeks of holiday and competitions. 😉

WC Briançon (19-20/7/13)

The first worldcup of the year and for me the first time I competed in Briançon. I really liked the place with its surroundings!

The first qualification route went really well. In the last moves which I made I was very pumped, but I was happy with the result. I topped the 2nd qualification route, so I was selected for the semi-final just like Mathilde and Loïc from Belgium.

In the semi-final route there were lots of small holds. In the very beginning there was a tricky point where I had to keep my balance. In the roof it started getting really hard. I was happy that I passed the big volume and I could rest a little. Just after the big overhang my feet came off and I did one more move. This time I was really satisfied and happy! 🙂 I became 16th.

The worldcup was won by Jain Kim (KOR) and Ramón Julian Puigblanque (ESP).


European Championship Chamonix (12-13/7/13)

My parents and I drove to Chamonix the Tuesday before the competition. We had a nice restday at the lake of Annecy and arrived in Chamonix on Thursday. I enjoyed meeting everyone again at the opening ceremony. The mens qualfication round had already taken place earlier that day. We heard that Loïc Timmermans from Belgium was placed 26th in the semi-final, due to slipping in his 2nd qualification route.

While climbing my first qualification route the next day I was really nervous and did not climb fluently. Nevertheless I was able to top out.. I was less nervous for climbing the 2nd route and I was very happy when I reached the top.

The next day was the semi-final. When I started climbing I was very surprised because the holds were so bad. I was pumped very fast and could not recuperate anymore. I fell quite early in the route because I was so tired. It was quite disappointing, but I learned a lot of this competition. 😉 I ended up 19th.

Climbing in Chamonix

Congratulations to Loïc for his 14th place and Mathilde who climbed really well and became 6th in the finals! Elodie Orbaen took the 1st place in the paraclimbing competition! Well done!

Loïc and Mathilde in their semi-final

EYC Edinburgh (8-9/6/13)

Time goes so fast…the lead season has already started again this weekend with the European Youth Cup in Edinburgh. Remembering the freezing conditions of the past competitions here, I was surprised by the lovely warm weather on Friday. My first qualification route was in the big overhang, and looked nice. I was quite nervous while climbing it, but was still able to top out. The 2nd one on the vertical wall looked much more difficult. Several girls had already fallen while clipping the last quickdraw. It was almost impossible because of the rope pull, but Salomé Romain (FRA) found a method which worked well and topped out. Ana Tiripa explained me the moves of the route and told me not to worry about it. But still I was a bit nervous about the tricky part in the middle. While climbing I was happy that I passed this point with a very bad hold and I arrived at the little roof. I had a look at my watch and saw 5 minutes. So I started climbing faster which in the end was quite good because I did the moves without hesitating. I was really happy to top out. After the qualifications I was tied with Salomé, Julia and Jessica.

In total there were 4 Belgian finalists: Nicolas Collin, Loïc Timmermans, Celine Cuypers and me. In the isolation on Saturday I did not feel as usual. My throat was aching a bit and while warming up I felt quite hot and shaky. But I laid everything in God’s hands and decided not to give up. Our final route was at the right side of the large wall. There were a lot of small holds in the beginning and pinchers in the overhang. I started my route quite confidently and it went really well. The moves in the overhang were a bit strange and difficult, but I was encouraged by the cheers of my team-mates and other climbers. To my surprise I arrived at the top hold and clipped the quickdraw! I was so thankful that in the end I had been able to climb well. Julia Chanourdie (FRA) and Jessica Pilz (AUT) also topped out. We had done the same in the qualifications so again… the time. 🙂 Julia was 1st, I ended up 2nd and Jessica was 3rd.

Celine climbed really well. At a certain point she decided not to clip a quickdraw and continued. She did the same as the winner, but became 2nd because of not clipping the quickdraw. Well done! Nicolas ended up 5th in male youth B. Loïc made a great performance by climbing very high in his final route and winning in male Juniors.

Celine (silver), Loïc (gold) and me (silver) (Photo: Denis Timmermans)

Nice picture for CAC! (

EYC Edinburgh (8-9/6/13)

I am very satisfied with my 2nd place at the European Youth Cup in Edinburgh, Schotland. Great results for the other Belgians as well with a 1st place for Loïc, a 5th place for Nicolas Collin and Celine who ended up 2nd. Full story coming later. 🙂

Belgian Championship 2013

The competition took place in the climbing hall ‘Face Nord’ in Mons. I hadn’t had the opportunity to go training there, so it was the first time I climbed on this wall. It immediately pleased me because it was so bright. The organisers had done a good job by giving us fruit, water and even a T-shirt. Unfortunately there were only 8 girls in the female category, but I was happy to meet them again.

The first qualification route was quite technical with a very hard last move. I was the first  to top it, then Celine and Héloise climbed it too. After a rest and a banana, we watched the demonstration of the 2nd route which was a bit more overhanging. I had had 1,5 hour of rest between the routes, so I was glad that I was able to do it.

After the lunch break, we went into isolation. During observation I read the route with the other girls. Some parts were a bit difficult to understand, but all in all it looked nice. The beginning was not too difficult, but on a big grey volume it became really hard. Arriving  at the last part of the route I looked at my watch and saw 5’11”. So I thought ‘less than 1 minute left!’, which was wrong of course… I had 8 minutes of climbing time. 🙂 But I began climbing faster, which made that I did a tricky move without hesitating. I fell a bit higher.

I had to go to another isolation zone because Celine and I were both on 1st place after the qualifications. While waiting there I thought: ‘It would be great if Celine did the same as me.’ And indeed she did! We were going to climb a superfinal together for the 1st time. Super!

We had to climb the men’s route. The beginning was a bit strange and difficult to understand, but we both managed to do it. The middle section was great to climb with a special heel hook. Than a little roof and a traverse to the left, going up a bit and back to the right. Here the route became super hard with a really bad volume. I almost fell, but did some more moves. I was very happy that I had been able to climb that far! Actually as far as Loïc Timmermans who won in the men’s category although I had climbed that slow that my last moves were out of time. 🙂 Celine climbed very well too, doing the tricky beginning! I became 1st, Celine 2nd and Émilie 3rd.

Podium Belgian Championship 2013

After the lead final, there was still speed to come. Again there was no huge female category. 🙂 Héloise, Tine, Celine and I decided to participate. We all discovered that speed climbing is not easy at all! Jurgen Lis from Klimax (Puurs) was again the fastest in the men’s category for the 3th year in a row.

John Ellison from Climbers Against Cancer (CAC) visited Belgium and the Belgian Championship! It was really nice to meet him again!

Results and Pictures on Belclimb and Climb2Climb

Easter Holidays 2013 – Fish Eye 8c

Holiday! Although it is quite a long drive, my parents and I had decided to go to Oliana in Spain. My friend Celine Cuypers came with us. Our white camper van is perfect for 3 people, but too small for 4, so we borrowed the huge Cuypers-Landrover! With its left side and roof folded out, 7 people can sleep in there! Celine’s father was going to join us 10 days later by flying to Reus.

The Cuypers-mobile

At home I had seen a movie in which Daila Ojeda climbed an 8c called ‘Fish Eye’. I heard that other women had climbed it too and I thought it would be amazing to be able to go climbing in Oliana.

After many hours of driving (and studying…), we finally reached the Spanish border. Celine and I were fascinated by the beautiful landscapes and nature of this country. We climbed on the roof of the Landrover when my father drove up the dirt road leading to the crag. Amazing view, the wind blowing in our hair…great to discover this beautiful climbing area.


It was Sunday and there were a lot of climbers at the crag. We warmed up and then we met a Spanish girl who was going to try Fish Eye. I watched her climb and later that day I started working it out. The route is 50 meters long and I was only able to work out half of it because I was too tired to do the rest. It was really great to see Chris Sharma and Daila Ojeda in Oliana! I understood very well that living here is indeed a good choice! 🙂

Lots of climbers

The next day we had to take a rest day because of … the rain! But it didn’t matter: we did some homework, washed ourselves (important!), played some games… In the afternoon we decided to do a small walk to a chapel on top of a rock. It was the 1st of April! In Belgium it means that we can make jokes! So Celine and I invented one. I sent Celine a message (we pretended that it came from Celine’s parents) in which they said that they would join us the next day instead of the next week. Celine acted very well and my parents believed it! When my father wanted to phone Celine’s mother we had to tell them it was a joke! 🙂

The next day we went to the crag again where Celine worked out Mishi-8a and I worked out Fish eye-8c. It rained quite hard but it didn’t matter since the rock was overhanging. Late in the evening I did one attempt, just to see where I could get. I fell at a far move in the middle. I had not found how to do it yet. It was a lock-off with the left hand, but it was not possible for me. However, I was happy that I got that far! We walked down and when we came at the dirt road everyone was full of brown mud. All the climbers were splashing through it… 🙂

On Wednesday we first went to Oliana village to buy some food and bread. It was quite warm and sunny, so we had breakfast near the road where I first washed my hair. 🙂 Afterwards we went to the crag where we met Micha Vanhoudt, a very strong Belgian climber, and Nina. They are travelling through Spain in their mobile home. After having warmed up Ceci topped her 8a! I worked out my 8c again, this time to the very end. I had a lot of difficulty doing the moves in the last crux which was at the vertical end of the route. I was a bit discouraged because it was so hard with very bad footholds. But I decided to do another attempt because the next day would be a rest day. The beginning went alright, I passed the first crux, but I fell at a higher one. I had difficulty finding the right way to do it, but I was tired too. I did not know if I would ever be able to climb the route. It was so long! I had a lot of respect for all the women who had managed to climb it!

Celine in Mishi-8a

Then my dad wanted me to do another attempt that day… just when I thought we would pack our bags…. The goal was to try to climb passed the  move with the lock-off (where I had now found another method). It was already late and I thought I would fall in the very beginning. The first crux was already very difficult and I felt that I was more tired than before. I climbed higher and I came at the point where I had fallen in my attempt earlier that day. I managed to do it and I was happy about it. So I climbed on and came at the point with the lock-off. I was already satisfied that I got that far. But my dad had told me to try the move with the lock-off so I decided to go for it. I did it my way and, I had it! Now that I had this hold I knew I could do some more moves. After some small holds there was a very good rest. From that point I decided not to give up, but I knew that a very hard part was still to come. I had a good rest and continued. It was very good that I had worked it out just before. Finally I got to the rest just before the last crux. During the whole route I had been praying for help and I really felt that I was not alone. Furthermore daddy was belaying and Celine and my mom were laying on a rock watching me climb. But it was getting dark and they couldn’t see me anymore! While I was resting I put a white dot on the small foothold which I would have to use. I thought: ‘I will probably be as tired as I am now when I arrive at this point in a newt attempt.’ So I decided to give everything I had. I went on and I took the very small holds, I placed my foot on the white dot and took the small edge. I had done the hard move and I was dedicated not to fall. I grabbed a better hold and I almost fell while going to the next one. Then I took another good hold and another one and finally I clipped the chain. I was overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness! ‘Thank you Jesus!’ It was really amazing!

It felt like a heavenly present. I hadn’t been sure if I would be able to climb the route on this trip and I certainly didn’t expect to climb it that day! When we arrived at the car Celine phoned her parents to tell the good news. We played a game, ate dinner and went to sleep.

The next day we took a rest day. We wanted to go to a shop to buy food, but everything was closed. Of course… siësta! So we walked through Oliana watching the houses and taking pictures. At 5 pm everything changed: children came from school, shops and bakeries opened their doors, people began walking around… It was so different from Belgium!

Oliana village

Washing our hair on a rest day

On Friday we wanted to go climbing but… rain again! There was a lot of fog, so we had another day in the car. Studying, eating, painting…

Saturday was another day of climbing. Celine and I worked out La Marroncita-8b. We had already done the first length several times for warming up (7a+). While I was working out the wind was blowing extremely hard, brrr! After the 7a+ there was a rest in a cave. Then the moves became really hard and the rock more overhanging. The last part was quite vertical with sharp tufas. After a while I did an attempt and I was able to do it! 🙂 I heard from local climbers that ‘T1- Full Equip’ was a nice 8c. The 2 crux boulders are in the beginning, so I wanted to work out these. Micha gave me the beta and I worked out this first part.

The next day I tried to work out the rest of Full Equip, but there was one move higher up which I could not do. So I just climbed to the chain (with the help of the clip stick ;-)) to take out the quickdraws.

We took a rest day on Monday. Buying food again, having a meal at the river,…


We were planning to climb 2 more days in Oliana before going to Reus to pick up Celine’s father. On Tuesday I wanted to try Mishi  flash so Celine explained me the moves from below. I fell in the very beginning which was a hard boulder. I started over again and with Celine’s help I was able to climb it. Celine did an attempt in ‘La Marroncita’ and she fell a few moves from the top. It was really great that she had climbed that far, but she had been so close!

The beginning of Mishi

Our last day in Oliana! I worked out El Gran Blau-8b+/c. I was able to do all the moves, but the final part was amazingly technical with very small holds. I did not have much time left, so I decided not to do any attempts in the route. A Brazilian women living in Spain  was doing Mon Dieu-8a+ and she told us it was a nice route. I tried to on-sight it, but fell just in the beginning. While I was working it out, Celine climbed ‘La Marroncita’, her first 8b! She wanted to do another workout in the route but felt strong and just climbed to the chain. Great! After a while I did an attempt in Mon Dieu and sent it! We left Oliana hoping to come back some time. 😉

We drove to the airport in Reus on Thursday because Peter Cuypers would join us for the rest of the holiday. I had been quite cold the days before, but now the weather was changing. It was getting really warm, so we ate an ice cream and had a short swim in a river. Then we drove on to Margalef, a climbing area where we had never been before. Passing other crags like Siurana, we realised that there is still sooo much to climb in Spain! We arrived in Margalef and bumped into the Belgian Depotter family (Christophe, Babs et Léa) with their brand new hired camper van. So we stopped to say hello. Celine and I played with Léa, while mama talked to Babs. Christophe gave papa and Peter some information about the crags and a camping place. Then we drove up a steep road, cooked a meal and went to sleep.

A Landrover can do anything!

Climbing in Margalef for the first time! We went to the sector which Christophe had recommended (Racó de les Espadelles). Beautiful conglomerate rock with a lot of pockets. Celine and I warmed up and then we wanted to try Transilvania-8a. I did an onsight attempt, but fell in the crux before an overhang. I went on and was able to climb the rest of the route. Celine worked it out too and after some rest (and  a melon) she  did an attempt and topped it! I did some more attempts. I always fell in this first crux, but I finally managed to send it. 🙂 I also worked out Braguetasso-8a+. I did all the moves, but the holds were really painful…  I did an  attempt but I fell before the rest in the middle and decided to take the quickdraws out. We walked to the car enjoying the beautiful landscape with its special rock formations.

Breakfast at our camping place in Margalef

Climbing in Margalef

Help! Already the last climbing day of the holiday. We went to Cova Soleida after having done some warm-up routes in Can Verdures. I tried Doctor Feelgood-8a and was able to onsight it! Celine was able to climb the route after work-out!

Our holiday was over. We had a gorgeous diner near the small river in the last rays of the sun and then Peter and my dad drove all night while we….slept very well.